Thursday, October 14, 2010

Beautiful and Ugly Performances

In Udval's performance she laid scrumpled up pieces of paper, like receipts and lists, around her forming a circle.  She rearranges the paper around her until it's perfect but then she rearranges the paper again. In the end she messes up the arrangement around her until the papers are all scattered on the floor. I liked how the arrangement of papers were around her and then they ended up all over the place. It was interesting that she had to arrange the pieces of paper a certain way, it seemed that she was trying to get something done to deal with the information that was on the paper. Maybe it symbolizes paying the bills and how frustrating it can be to look at proof of how you spent your money and being able to compensate for your spending.

In Noushin's performance she poured tea into a glass, then she took the other glass that was broken into different pieces and started to glue them back together with band-aids to form the same glass. When the pieces were taped together sufficiently enough she started to pour tea into the band-aid glass. After a couple of seconds of the band-aid holding it together, the tea started to leak out. I think that the broken glass is trying to have the same function as it did before it was broken. When the band-aids were applied to the broken glass it looked like it could perhaps hold liquid but of course we were fooled into thinking that the glass could hold it. I feel that through this performance that trying to being something your not is ugly.

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