Thursday, December 16, 2010


When I went to Heffel they were having a two day preview of an auction that they were going to have later in the month. They had art from Alexander Colville, Sybil Andrews, the Group of Seven and much more. I went to this art gallery with my Dad and he also told me about it. 
The most interesting part of my visit of this gallery was my family's connection with some of the paintings that my Dad and I saw. When we saw the Sybil Andrews prints that was very exciting, because for the past decade my parents have become very interested in her work and started to collect some of her pieces. My dad didn't buy anything there but it was really cool to see some of them there. It was unexpected.
When my dad saw Alexander Colville's "Moon on Verandah," he remembered meeting Alexander when he was in University. That was definitely something to remember.
There was so much more to the gallery then what I described, it is a small building but it has many levels making it feel bigger. There was a lot of art done by so many different artists that it was too difficult to remember all of them. But because there was so much art, you left the gallery remembering the pieces you had the best connection with. You didn't remember which one was the most expensive or which one was the biggest painting, it was the one that connected you to it on a personal level.

Heffel is situated on Granville and 7th Avenue.

Generous Act Video

Here is the link to my Generous Act Video:

Douglas Reynolds Gallery

This is a gallery that displays Native West Coast Art. When walking through the door, there is an amazing smell of cedar. Most of the art is carved out of red or yellow cedar, which explains the smell. There are many panels, a couple of small totem poles and paddles (for display purposes only). They also sell jewelry that have West Coast totem pole figures on them.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marilyn S. Mylrea Art Gallery

This art gallery is situated on Granville and 7th Avenue (I believe...).
A lot of colour is used in these paintings and most of the paintings are of landscapes, actually spiritual landscapes.  Most of the landscapes are beaches or land and water. At the front of the gallery there are a couple of paintings of flowers in vases. Those are done by Marilyn S. Mylrea. The rest of the art is stored at the back which visitors can look at if they wish to do so.

My favourite paintings were of the flowers in the vases. I actually spent most of my time in the gallery looking at these two paintings. I liked how light was reflected and highlighted on the vase and that the flowers were not only coming out of the vase vertically but also horizontally. Painting the flowers this way filled up the canvas better.

I don't quite understand spiritual paintings and I am not really a fan of them but I did love the use of colour on most of them.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Realtime Art Manifesto

The description of the manifesto is kind of long so I took the key ideas thinking people would generally understand it.

Auriea Harvey & Michaël Samyn

Directors,  Tale of Tales,


Auriea Harvey and Michaël Samyn are new media artists who have embraced realtime 3D game technology as their artistic medium of choice. Realtime 3D is the most remarkable new creative technology since oil on canvas. It is much too important to be wasted on computer games alone. This manifesto is a call-to-arms for creative people (including, but not limited to, video game designers and fine artists) to embrace this new medium and start realizing its enormous potential. As well as a set of guidelines that express our own ideas and ideals about using the technology.

 1.  Realtime 3D is a medium for artistic expression.
 2.  Be an author.
 3.  Create a total experience.
 4.  Embed the user in the environment.
 5.  Reject dehumanisation: tell stories.
 6.  Interactivity wants to be free.
 7.  Don’t make modern art.
 8.  Reject conceptualism.
 9.  Embrace technology.
10. Develop a punk economy.
realtime 3d
computer games
interactive storytelling
game design