Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Marilyn S. Mylrea Art Gallery

This art gallery is situated on Granville and 7th Avenue (I believe...).
A lot of colour is used in these paintings and most of the paintings are of landscapes, actually spiritual landscapes.  Most of the landscapes are beaches or land and water. At the front of the gallery there are a couple of paintings of flowers in vases. Those are done by Marilyn S. Mylrea. The rest of the art is stored at the back which visitors can look at if they wish to do so.

My favourite paintings were of the flowers in the vases. I actually spent most of my time in the gallery looking at these two paintings. I liked how light was reflected and highlighted on the vase and that the flowers were not only coming out of the vase vertically but also horizontally. Painting the flowers this way filled up the canvas better.

I don't quite understand spiritual paintings and I am not really a fan of them but I did love the use of colour on most of them.

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